Sunday, February 28, 2016

Persistence: Even more important in the face of adversity

Adversity is defined as a condition marked by misfortune, calamity or distress and is something that all of us see and experience over the course of our lifetimes. One of the things that has struck me repeatedly is that life is anything but a straight line.... in fact I've talked about it often as a 'squiggle'. When I ran across today's quote I was struck immediately by how important persistence is in our lives.

Persistence is important when we are chasing after the goals and dreams we have for our lives, but in times of challenge and difficulty - it becomes even more important. Regardless of where you are in the arc of your life, as you enjoy your Sunday - never forget that regardless of where you are in life, what you are faced with or where life appear to be taking you - persistence will enable you to not only get everything that you want out of your life... but to ensure that you're never defeated. Make it a great Sunday all! ‪#‎startuplife‬ ‪#‎NoLetUp‬ ‪#‎OnwardwardAndUpward‬ ‪#‎WhateverItTakes‬

Saturday, February 27, 2016

A call to arms: Do what you can...with what you have

Every day is a new opportunity to start anew and make your way in the world. When I ran across today's quote I was struck both by the simplicity of its message, but also the fact that it's a call to action that all of us can appreciate. Whether things are going great in our lives, not turning out as we would have liked, or are turning upside down, the simple fact remains that we can throw in the towel - or find a way through whatever it is that is happening. My Dad always told me that the only constant is life is change and I've found that to be true time and again over the course of my life. We've all been given certain abilities and it's up to us each and every day to deploy those abilities in a way that makes the most sense for our lives - and what we are trying to accomplish. As your weekend gets into full swing, give some thought to where you are deploying your own talents and resources. Are you waiting for some major change or event to take place after which you'll 'go to where your best is', or are you looking at each day as what it should be - another opportunity to do what you can... with what you have. Make it a great Saturday and weekend! #startuplife #ChangeinConstant #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #GrindingItOutDaily #EveryDayIsANewOpportunity #Thriving

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Live your NOW: Why today is the first day of your future

One of the great parts about my own life journey in recent years has been my coming to understand the core truth behind today's quote. While being in sales requires a certain level of 'reset mindset' each day to get yourself moving forward (because let's face it... not all days are perfect ones), I've found that starting each day with a reminder that this is your NOW helps ensure that you don't allow past frustrations, fears or letdowns to impact how you start your day. I'm not suggesting that you simply ignore the challenges of your life and think only on those things that help move you forward, but what is important is to remember that we will all make mistakes, have troubles, face challenges, letdowns and struggle. All of those things are part of our life here on Earth and cannot be avoided. What we do have control over however, is how we tackle each day and our dreams for the future. I've been fortunate for the last decade plus to see my life evolve and grow in a number of positive ways. That said, I know that I've got plenty more growing to do - and the future may well hold a myriad of challenges that I don't fully see or understand yet. If I've learned anything in my life thus far, it's the power of taking your life one day at a time. Not ignoring your plans and goals for the future, but instead breaking them down into pieces that allow you to not be overwhelmed during the times of trouble and to help you never forget where you came from when times are great. Make today a day where you take a moment and think about living in the NOW of your life - and remember that today and every day you have the power (and frankly the obligation) to work towards shaping your day and future for the better. Make it a great Wednesday all! #startuplife #NoLetUp #OnwardandUpward #WhateverItTakes #inspiredDaily #LiveYourLifeNow #DailyInspo

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Be undeniably good: Getting the most out of life

In a world where everything can be - and often is - manipulated and presented via social media and various marketing channels in a particular way, today's quote truly resonated with me as I find this to be a fact of life.  Be undeniably good.  What a statement for how to live your life.  While Volodkin presents today's quote in the context of business, I'd go a bit further and tell you that you should be looking at all areas of your life through this prism.

As most of you know, my daily focus is broken into a number of parts:  Family, Financial, Physical body, Emotional, Spiritual and Career.  Each of these requires a portion of my attention each day and to be frank - there are often days where the balance of my efforts is better than others.  Some days there are segments that don't get any attention at all... and other days those that get attention don't pan out the way that I want them to... but here's the rub.  Each and every day, I start anew with the goal to make myself undeniable good in all parts of my life and just as importantly - to be the best that I can be in every part of my life - even when I face disappointments and challenges.

This life we live isn't a straight line (I've talked about what I've taken to calling 'the squiggle' before), but what we can do is make the effort every day to be the best 'YOU' you can be.  Get out there and make today a great one and... be undeniably good!  Enjoy your Tuesday all! #startuplife #NoLetUp #OnwardandUpward #WhateverItTakes #Thriving #RenewingtheDreamDaily #MakingmyDreamsComeTrue

Monday, February 22, 2016

Focus: The intersection of what matters... and what you can control

As we get older, life choices start to get more meaningful. Not sure whether it's because you start to realize the whole mortality thing or whether you've just lived enough to begin to realize that every time that you choose one action/activity/thing over another, you'll setting something else aside. I ran aross this graphic earlier that clearly lays out my philosophy about life at the moment. For many years, I obsessed about things that frankly were completely out of my control and as a result spent a fair amount of time and energy attempting to alter situations that either didn't matter, or were beyond controlling. What I've discovered in recent years however, is that there is a filter that you can apply to all parts of your life - and that is to focus on the intersection of what matters and what you can control. Let's face it - there are any number of things in our lives that we truly cannot control and once we realize that God has a plan for our lives and our responsibility is to live the best life we can with the time that we are given.... the freedom that affords you will be a powerful release unlike anything that you've ever experienced. As you start the new week, is there are an area (or areas) of your life where you're focusing on trying to alter things you can't control? Take a moment this morning to assess not only whether you are focusing on the things you can control, but just as importantly - focus on the things that matter - family, health, being good to people and being the best person you can be. What I think you'll discover (as I certainly have had the fortune to find) is that a life lived and pursued in this way - A life well led if you will - is infinitely richer than you thought possible as a result. Make it a great Monday and enjoy the start to what I'm certain will be another great week! #startuplife #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #FocusonWhatMatters #LivingtheDream #LivethebestLifeUCan #BeGoodToPeople #Thriving

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Don't just Dream... live to #Hustle

To say that I've been a dreamer over the course of my life is a total understatement.  I've always been looking to set big audacious goals, but until recently (specifically in the last 10 years) wasn't able to see those dreams become anything approaching reality.  Part of the challenge that I faced was that I didn't have a clear picture of how much work, time and efforts was going to be involved in regards to getting to where I wanted to be.  The other fact that I've learned is that this journey we're all on... is anything but a straight line.

I ran across today's quote in my reading this morning and it seemed appropriate to share as I started by day bright and early this morning - and quickly went from the 'dream' phase to hustling again.  While those who work hard have a better chance of getting what they want out of life, we all know that nothing is assured.

As you enjoy your weekend - give some thought to your hopes and dreams for all areas of your life.  Are you (as I'll freely admit I did for years) simply dreaming about your life being all you want it to be... or are you getting up every day ready to 'wake up and hustle'.  Believe me when I tell you - the dreaming is great... but the results of getting up and hustling every day are AWESOME!

Have a great weekend all! #startuplife #TheHustleIsReal #HustlingDaily #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #SaturdayisAWorkday #LoveMyLife #LivingTheDream #Thriving

Friday, February 19, 2016

Define & Confine: Only you... can limit your life

There is a challenge that we as thinking humans face every day - and that is the fact (whether we want to admit it or not) that what other think of us is important to us. Other people's opinions and ideas about me were something that I wouldn't say that I obsessed about, but it was always something on my mind.

While I've moved away over time from really 'not caring' what others think - more on that at another time - I've instead focused on the impact that others have on my life and the work that I'm doing. We have enough challenges in life in how we define and confine ourselves without allowing others to add to the burden. Over the course of my life, there have been any number of times where I stopped short of what I knew I could do because of self-doubt... or worse... self-sabotage.

As you wrap up your week, never forget that if you just take your blinders off and look at what your life is truly capable of producing... you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that you can be so much more than you ever supposed you could.

Make today the day that you take back control over who defines and confines you - and realize that the only thing holding you back from the life that you want... is YOU! Enjoy your Friday afternoon all! ‪#‎NoLetUp‬ ‪#‎WhateverItTakes‬ ‪#‎startuplife‬ ‪#‎NoOneDefinesMeExceptMe‬ ‪#‎LivingMyDreams‬ ‪#‎FridayafternoonPush‬ ‪#‎GrindingDaily‬ ‪#‎OnwardandUpward‬

Thursday, February 18, 2016

True Courage: Overcoming Fear... not it's absence

While I had to chuckle that this quote was ascribed to the Blue Power Ranger, it also spoke to a reality that we all experience in life - that of course being fear.  As a Believer, the raw fear of what life brings has been mitigated significantly because I know I'm saved, but one of the things that I've learned in recent years is that fear will always be a part of your life - regardless of where your life takes you. 

Before I struck out on my own several years ago, I was constantly impressed by the entrepreneurs that I crossed paths with over time as they always seemed fearless - what I have come to learn is that fear is a constant companion of those who are looking to make their own way in the world - it's just that the best of them manage that fear and then turn it into the drive and motivation that they need to succeed.  That said, this isn't just a quote that applies to entrepreneurs, it applies to everyone who is making their way in this thing we call life.  We all fear something,but what fear provides is actually an opportunity.  An opportunity to display courage, encourage others by our example and motivate those around you to be the best that they can be.  

As you start your day today, is there something that you fear?  Are you feeling the cold tendrils of doubt wrapping around your heart and threatening to squelch or crush your hopes and dreams?  Never forget that true courage is displayed in how we overcome our fear - not by it being absent.  

Make today the day you embrace your fears and move forward to making the life you know you can achieve!  Make it a great Thursday all! #OvercomingFearDaily #NoLetUp #startuplife #WhatevertItTakes #OnwardandUpward #FocusedonmyGoals #ThankfulIAmSaved #Gratefulforanotherday #Maketodaygreat #Thriving

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The greatest success principle: Persistence

Back in 2013 - just before I left Valpak, I had become something of a serious runner and in fact had gotten up to 10 miles by May of 2013.  I'll never forget the first time that I ran that distance as once I got beyond 9 miles... I literally thought I was going to die with each step.  What kept me going was that each step was another personal record for distance and by the time I got back home after the run had a sense of accomplishment unlike anything I'd ever experienced.  I mention that experience in the context of today's quote as it points up just how important it is to persist.

Getting what we truly want out of all areas of our lives requires not just a commitment for a day, or even for a season, but instead requires long term and in some cases lifelong commitment to what we want.  As I think about the journey that I'm on both in my businesses and in my life in general, it never ceases to amaze me how  truly different the path to success is on the 'inside' as opposed to what the world sees.  Never traveling in a straight line, the 'squiggles' of life always seem to challenge us at every turn, but the one ideal I continue to return to again and again is persistence.  Not just blind and unguided faith, but the constant and continuous shifting and adjusting that is required to make your way in this world - and to get all that you want out of it.

Is there some part of your life that needs 'persistence'?  Are you driving forward on all fronts or is there some portion of your life that needs that little something extra today?  Take a moment as you start your Wednesday and give some thought to the overriding fact that if you persist long enough.... you WILL win.... whatever 'winning' looks like to you!

Make it a great day today and get out there and 'be persistent' in getting all you can out of life! #NoLetUp #PersistencePays #MakingitHappen #WhateverItTakes #startuplife #Thriving #LivingMyDreamsDaily

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hard work + Kindness: A true recipe for success

One of the things that I've learned over time is that hard work really does make things happen. There are any number of quotes floating around that talk about how hard work creates your own luck, makes your business prosper and generally makes your life better than it would be otherwise. Today's quote however takes that to a new level when it adds in the entire concept of being kind. Unfortunately it today's business culture, those who are the most cutthroat are held up as the example of how you get ahead in business and frankly I find that disappointing. 

I've been fortunate to work with a large number of folks over time that exemplify the power of hard work coupled with kindness. The results that those people have produced both for themselves and others is truly amazing. 

As you start your Tuesday, give some thought to whether you are just working hard, or if you are working hard while being kind to others as well. We don't have to run over others in this life to be a success and in fact I'd encourage you to look long and hard at what you're willing to do to succeed. I talk often about my mantra of ‪#‎WhateverItTakes‬, because without the richness that others bring to this life - no amount of success will ever be enough. Make it a great day today, work hard... and be kind.
You, your life and the world around you will be better for it!  ‪#‎startuplife‬ ‪#‎KindnessPaysOff‬ ‪#‎NoLetUp‬ ‪#‎WorkHardDaily‬‪#‎NeverGiveUpOnYourDreams‬ ‪#‎Thriving‬

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Success: It ALL depends on the 2nd letter

I've said this here before, but there were many years where today's quote was not anything that I believed in. It was always someone or something else's fault that I wasn't see the successes I wanted and "deserved". I wasn't being treated fairly, my work wasn't being given the credit it deserved, I was being taken advantage of, my talent was being ignored... what I've come to realize however is that it is true that success IS all about the second letter in the word... it's all up to U! There is only one thing that will keep you from realizing your hopes and dreams.... and that is YOU!

For many years I wasted time complaining about why I wasn't being given the opportunities to grow and expand my life and career in the ways I thought it should - but what I discovered over time was that it wasn't anyone else that was keeping me from getting what I wanted - it was actually the person I saw in the mirror each morning. I'm still in the middle of the 'grind' that is the life of someone making their way in the world, but I can tell you this - win or lose - this time I know I not only made the right choice - but my life is richer because I live my life around the 'second letter'.

Make today a great one and never forget - true success is up to you! Have an awesome Saturday and start to the weekend! ‪#‎LivingMyDream‬ ‪#‎SuccessIsUp2Me‬ ‪#‎NoLetUp‬ ‪#‎WhateverItTakes‬ ‪#‎startuplife‬ ‪#‎Thriving‬ ‪#‎LiveWithPassion‬ ‪#‎GrindingDaily

Friday, February 12, 2016

Grind While They Rest... Live Like They Dream: An homage to @GrantCardone

One of the great parts of living in a connected online world is that you oftentimes get to interact with outsize personalities and folks that you would otherwise simply not have access to. One of those people for me is Grant Cardone - whom I've been following closely for several years. Grant runs a number of companies including Cardone University (which if you haven't checked that out you need to do so HERE ), but it's Grant's overall approach to lift up and motivate people that's drawn and kept my attention over time.  

I've talked in this space in recent weeks about the 'glamorization' of being an entrepreneur and while there are some who claim that Grant is a self-promoter who doesn't understand hard work and the grind, I absolutely disagree. Is Grant successful? You bet! Does he livestream from his jet? Yup? Does that rub some folks the wrong way? Of course it does... but here's the kicker. What no one saw or experienced was the time, energy and effort that he put into getting himself from his early life to the broad based success that he experiences in his life today. Does he still grind it out? Every day as far as I can tell and what I've learned from him over the course of the last several years (via his books and now following him on social media and his GrantCardone TV platform) has been nothing short of invaluable.  

As you start your Friday - think about this. Are you grinding while others are resting? Are you working every day to make your dreams a reality? If not, take a minute and ask yourself - do I want to 'live like others dream'? If you do - get back to work! Make it a great Friday all! #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #10XYourlife #startuplife #GrindingDaily #LivingMyDreams

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Challenges vs. Obstacles: There IS a difference!

We all face challenges in our lives.  For an extended time in my life, it felt like it was a non-ending series of challenges that arose for me and served as major impediments to achieving the things that I wanted to with my life.

One of the keys to that process for me was not giving in to the debilitation that comes from facing a challenge that appears in our lives.  Another way to consider that is to not 'bow' to a challenge that we face in life.  Part of being out on my own has served to teach me the fact that at the end of the day, it all comes down to you and what you yourself put into your life.  Are there times when I question a particular path or approach that I'm taking?  You bet.  Am I afraid sometimes?  Absolutely!  Are there times when I seriously question whether I could have selected an easier road in life?  Certainly!  But one thing has remained constant in all areas of my life in recent years - and that is the fact that I simply refuse to bow to the challenges of life.

Regardless of what comes my way on any given day, I know that not only have I got this, but by not allowing a challenge to become an obstacle... there is truly nothing that can stop you from reaching the kind of life you've always wanted!  Are you facing a challenge today that feels or seem insurmountable?  Take a moment to step back and remember - there is nothing like overcoming a challenge that you've faced head on - and didn't allow to become an obstacle to the life you want and deserve!  Make it a great start to your Thursday - get out there and make it happen! #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #OnwardandUpward #startuplife #CrushingchallengesDaily #LivingmyDream #JustTrytoStopMe

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The key to success: Consistency AND consistent hard work

One of the key things that I've learned over the course of the last few years is that consistency and consistent hard work pay off.  On the occasions where I've sat back and rested on my laurels or worse - took my foot off the gas even temporarily, I've found the the results that I get during those periods of time are nowhere near the optimum that I'm looking to achieve.  As I've said in this space on a number of occasions, there were a number of years in my life where I felt I simply didn't have what it took to be a real success.

What I've found over time, is that once you understand what success is really built on - that being a balanced life where all of the parts of your life are working and growing together - Family, Spirituality, Physical, Emotional, Financial and Career - you'll understand that to have a great life isn't about one part of your life... true success is where all of the elements work together to create an amazing symphony that makes life worth living.

As you start your Tuesday, think about what you are doing consistently and how you can use that passion and drive to move all parts of your life forward.  Never forget that the 'greatness' we see and want to emulate in others, lives inside us all - we just need to reach in and bring it out!

Make it a great Tuesday - get out there and find greatness - true success is waiting right on the other side! #GetYourGreatnessToday #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #startuplife #LivingtheBestLifeICan #SuccessIsAJourney #ThriveExperience

Monday, February 8, 2016

Not taking action? Forget about happiness

As frustrating as the first part of today's quote is, the fact is that action does not necessarily bring us happiness.   As someone who is a long time fanboy of those who urge massive and consistent action (Tony Robbins / Grant Cardone and the like), my focus has been on making sure I'm moving all aspects of my life forward each day and doing so in a way that leads to a particular destination.  My initial response to this quote was a bit on the negative side, but the second half of it redeems Disraeli's position quite nicely.

While action in and of itself won't bring happiness - doing nothing will assure that you have NO happiness at all.  As I talked about yesterday, you can't simply rush out and start taking actions without a plan, but one key factor to remember is that without action - you are absolutely guaranteed of two things - your life will stay right where it is, and sadly your happiness will be a casualty of that behavior as well.

As you start the new week, is there an area of your life that needs action?  Are you moving your life forward on a number of fronts or simply trying to get through the day?  Make today the day you not only commit to taking action to make your life better - but commit to taking some action towards your goals.... without it - there can be no true happiness.  Make it a great Monday and make this week your best ever.  #startuplife #WhateveritTakes #NoLetUp #TakingActionDaily #StrivingtobeBetterDaily #Grateful #LivingtheDream #ThriveExperience

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Vision + Action: The winning combination

It's a vision thing.  How often have you heard in the press or in your own life that without a clear vision for the future, you many not ever meet your goals.  When I saw this quote earlier today I was struck by the truth and power of both of these statements.  We've all seen it.  Too often there is a plan or vision for what a company, group or individual plan on doing - and then it falls short on the implementation side of things.

I happen to agree with this old Japanese proverb wholeheartedly however - what is even worse is when we take action by have no plan.  I'm just as guilty of this as anyone over the course of my life.  In an effort to try and make something happen, we immediately spring into action without taking the time to plan.  Over time, there have been any number of times where I moved first without taking the time to make an action plan and the results were at best poor and at worst terrible.

As you wrap up the weekend, give some thought to what your plan for the coming week looks like.  Do you have a vision that also holds options for you to execute?  Do you have an action plan that will enable you to make progress against your goals in a tangible way this week?  Never forget that you need to take action to reach your goals every day... but action without vision truly is a nightmare!  Hope you had a great weekend - and make it a great start to the new week! #startuplife #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #ExecutingDaily #NoNightmareHere #Thriving

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Stop waiting: Why going out and "making it happen" is key

One of the challenges I had in the past was that I knew I wanted more out of my life, but wasn't quite sure how to get it.  I looked around at other people's lives and could certainly pick out what I wanted for myself, but the methods that I needed to make that happen seemed to be out of my reach.  What I realized over time however, is that by watching others or worse - trying to emulate them - I was simply creating excuses for why things weren't moving in my own life.

Fast forward to today, and I've found that by focusing on going out and making things happen each and every day that the level of success that I am achieving has grown exponentially over time.  That being said, this isn't a clarion call for you to rush out and just start doing things without a plan.  The fact remains that waiting around for something big to happen to you isn't going to get you where you want/need to go, but if you make a plan, execute on that plan every day, focus on making positive things happen daily AND be willing to make adjustments as events warrant (and trust me.... things WILL change), there is nothing that you can't accomplish!

Finding that your hopes and dreams aren't exactly living up to what you had in mind?  Take it from someone who has been there - making a plan and then getting out there each and every day and making it happen - will enrich your life beyond your wildest dreams!  Make it a great Saturday and weekend - you've got this! #NoLetUp #startuplife #NeverStopGrinding #WhateverItTakes #OnwardandUpwards #DreamsDoComeTrue #LoveMyLife

Friday, February 5, 2016

Make today a masterpiece: The power of daily recommitment

One of the advantages of being in sales (I'd argue we are ALL in sales, but I'll save that for another day) is that I have the chance to 'reboot' each and every day - and continually push to be better.  Thanks to the Facebook feature that shows me what I've posted in the past - I know that I shared this quote 2 years ago today and it's interesting to me that it rings even more true today then it did when I originally posted it.

One of the goals that I set for myself every day is to do a better job today than I did yesterday and to do so in all aspects of my life.  The sentiment of 'making your life a masterpiece' is a terrific one, but the exciting part for me is that every day is an opportunity to not only make it the best day possible - but also to redefine what a 'masterpiece' of a day looks and feels like.  I've had the fortune of watching all areas of my life grow and evolve over time and what I thought was a 'masterpiece' of a day 5 years ago... is now what my days look like before noon.

Are you looking to make every day of your life a masterpiece?  Are you getting everything that you can out of your life?  Regardless, take a step back today and look at what is truly important to you in all areas of your life - and put all you have into making today the first of a series of your own personal masterpieces.  Make it a great Friday all - enjoy the day! #NoLetUp #startuplife #LoveMyLife #LivingtheDream #WhateverItTakes #NeverDreamedLifeCouldBeThisGreat #Thriver4Life #MakeTodayGreat

Thursday, February 4, 2016

CANI: Why you need to work harder today than yesterday

Years ago I spent what at the time was a king's ransom and bought the entire Tony Robbins CD program as a final attempt to dig myself out of the hole I found myself in after a divorce and loss of my job.  One of the things that I learned during that 30 day period was the power of taking things one day at a time, but also the power of CANI - Constant And Never-ending Improvement.  One of the things that the younger me didn't realize was that making a huge 'leap' from one season of your life to another isn't about something happening quickly instead it's about the little things that you do each and every day, day in and day out that make the difference in your life and over time help you to develop what I think we are all looking for - a life with true meaning.

Over the last decade and a half, one mantra that has driven me forward is to take a look at each day with a critical eye and ask myself - did I do better today than I did yesterday?   There were any number of years over my life where I only did this on an occasional basis and as a result was often disappointed that I was not seeing the overall results I was looking for. Today - by reassessing each day in turn and starting it with renewed focus and effort - I've found that not only am I able to accomplish more in every aspect of my life - but I truly am able to work harder each day, then I THOUGHT I had the day before.

Think you gave yesterday all you had?  Don't think you can do anymore or get anything else out of your life?  Take a moment today and think about improving on some part of your life by 1%.  What you'll find - as I have over time - is that a 1% improvement is something daily - provides results over time that are nothing short of stunning!  Make it a great Thursday all - got out there and get what you want! #NoLetUp #startuplife #WhateverItTakes #ImprovingDaily #EachDayIsANewChance #NeverStop #BeRelentless

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Why 'the grind' matters: Reaching your goals the 'real' way

I've said it before, but one of the things that I find a bit funny is the way that the 'life of an entrepreneur' is portrayed in different places... in particular on platforms like Instagram.  Private jets, fast cars, travels to exotic locales, out partying - all of these seem to be common themes that I think give folks a bit of a false impression about what this kind of life choice actually entails..  

When I left the relative comfort of my corporate job late in 2013, I thought I was completely prepared for what was coming.  What I discovered was that each and every day is another opportunity to grow and win, but it also requires you to recommit to what you are driving for in the first place.  The other fact of life for an entrepreneur - is that it really truly is a grind.  No day goes by where there is not a need to refocus on my goals and those of the company and throw myself back into the fray.  

Whatever you are doing in your life at this point however, this still applies to you.  Sometimes some area of our life requires us to truly 'grind it out', but as someone who's tackled challenges in every part of his life over the last decade and a half - each and every minute spend 'in the grind', makes the end results and your victory all that much sweeter!  

Make today the day where you remind yourself of the outcome that you want... and Grind It Out!  #EmbraceTheGrind #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #OnwardandUpward #startuplife #ThankfulforMyLife #LivingMyDreams 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Give up the good.. the GREAT is waiting!

Sometimes in our lives we have to move away from something good to take our lives to the next level.  During my previous forays in business, there were any number of times when things were good - and in some cases were very nearly great.

What I've found over the last several years however is that to truly strive for the great - you need to pour your entire heart, soul and energy into all aspects of your life - and for me being an entrepreneur and being on my own has afforded me the chance to truly go for the great.  Is there risk?  You bet!  Are there days when I wonder whether it might have been better to stick with the good and have things a bit easier?  Certainly - but the daily excitement and thrill that comes from living on the edge and pushing to make every day better than the last, makes every minute of the journey worthwhile.  As you letting good be the enemy of great?

As you wrap up your day - take a moment and think about where it just might work best for you - to give up the good for the GREAT!  #NoLetUp #startuplife #LivingTheDream #WhateverItTakes #MakeEveryDayGreat

Monday, February 1, 2016

Life challenges: Making things interesting & meaningful...daily

There have been any number of times over the course of my life that I've been told that challenges in our lives will only make us better.  For many years, I had no idea how that was possible, since my life seemed to be just an endless stream of challenges that never seemed to end.  Over the last 15 years however, I've begun to realize just how true today's quote rings true.  While I'd love to see life be less 'interesting' sometimes, with each victory over a challenge or obstacle I've experienced, my life truly has become more meaningful.  Not only do I find myself both more humble and grateful each time I overcome a challenge, I'm also reminded of the rejoinder of Winston Churchill that failure isn't fatal and success isn't final.

When I began my career, I quickly rose in the initial organizations that I was involved in and frankly felt there was no stopping me.  What occurred next was a series of humbling experiences that threatened to break me... but over time have served to form the bedrock of how I understand where my life is now.  I'm certainly not more talented, better, or luckier than anyone else and without my unswerving Faith that God has a plan for my life, I'd be nothing.  That said, I wake up every day with the determination that regardless of whatever challenges come my way, I'll embrace them, overcome them and make them a part of the increasingly rich and powerful existence that is my life.

As you start the new week, give some thought to changing the way you look at the challenges of your life.  Are you letting them dictate the direction of your life or are you spending the time it takes to determine how even the most debilitating challenge can make you better tomorrow than you were today?!  Make today the day that you look at your day to day challenges for what they truly are - a way to make our life more meaningful!  Make it a great Monday! #NoLetUp #startuplife #WhateverItTakes #OnwardandUpward #OvercomingChallenges #LovingMyLife #LivingMyDreams #FeelingUnstoppable #Thriver4Life