Thursday, March 31, 2016

CANI: A real lesson for a life well led

Years ago (hard to believe that it was now over 15 years) when I first ran through Tony Robbin's Personal Power program I was exposed to the concept of CANI - Constant And Never-ending Improvement, and that ideal has been a driving force behind the way I live my life ever since.  The concept isn't a new one, but in a day and age where we're constantly told that we don't have enough it bears revisiting what CANI really means.

For a number of years, I looked at this idea from the perspective of an outsider - meaning that I was looking at what others had or were doing and tried to hew to that standard for my own life.  In recent years however, I've come to realize that each one of us is responsible for only one thing - that being what we can do every day to be a better version of ourselves.  When I ran across this quote today, it perfectly exemplified where I am in my own life at this moment in time.  At the moment, I'm in the process of making a significant shift in my professional life (more on that in the coming days) and focusing on how I can make today better than yesterday for myself - is key to ensuring that this transition is a successful one and moves me in what I believe is the right direction.  

As you start your Thursday, give some thought to who you are 'competing' with or trying to be like each day.  Are you ensuring that you are the best version of yourself each day or are you letting external factors dictate the life that you are looking to lead.  Make today the day you reclaim the high ground in your own life - and do all you can to be a better version of you today - then you were yesterday!  Make it a great day today! #CANI #ChangesAreComing #WhateverItTakes #NoLetUp #OnwardandUpward #LivingtheBestLifeICan #Thriving

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Passion: The true essence of who we are

I've been thinking a fair amount about passion in recent days as I've had the fortune over the last decade or so to pursue my passion on a number of levels - both personally and professionally.  When I ran across this quote this morning I was immediately reminded that at our core - we are creatures that are driven most of all by passion.  Good or bad, passion is what makes us sit up, take notice and take the massive action that is needed to make whatever part of our lives better.

Think about it - without passion, what do your relationships, your work life, your Faith, or physical body look and feel like?  Not much I would argue.  For those that are able to tap into their passions - and do so on an ongoing basis - life is infinitely richer as a result!  As you start your Thursday, give some thought to areas of your life where unleashing your passion can contribute to your life and improve the life that your living.  Never forget - all you need to do is release the essence of who you are - by unwrapping your passion and apply it to your life.  Have a great day today and live with passion! #NoLetUp #startuplife #LivingwithPassion #OnwardandUpward #WhateverItTakes #PassionRules

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Passion for life: Oxygen for the soul

One of the key components to having the kind of life that you want is to ensure that you are living that life with passion. Too often in our lives, we run into periods of time when we are simply 'existing' (and oftentimes those periods last longer than we would like), but I've found my own life is significantly richer when I'm in one of my 'passion periods'.

When I ran across this quote earlier this morning I found that it truly articulated the power of what living wtih passion brings to our lives. It truly is 'oxygen for the soul'. As your day gets underway, think about the folks in your life that you've come across who live their lives with a consistent focus on passion. I'm confident that you'll find as I have, that those who see passionate living as their calling enrich not only their own lives - but those of everyone else that they come into contact with. Are you finding that your life isn't performing at the level that you'd like it to?!

Think about giving your soul the oxygen it craves and deserves by making today the day you seek out the passion that we know is inside us all! Make it a great day today.... and live your passion! ‪#‎LoveMyLife‬ ‪#‎NoLetUp‬ ‪#‎OnwardandUpward‬ ‪#‎WhateverItTakes‬ ‪#‎startuplife‬ ‪#‎LifeIsWhatWeMakeIt‬ ‪#‎Thriving‬

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The best laid plans: Why the journey matters

One of the key components to having your life develop and turn out the way that you want it to, is to have a plan. I've found over time that those that have a plan succeed much more often than those that do not, but it's not just that simple. I myself have been a planner for years, but what I've found over time is that you can actually 'overplan'. While not having a plan is a sure ticket to failure, not allowing the journey to teach you along the way is a missed opportunity.

When I ran across today's quote, it immediately spoke to me about the power that comes from being present in your own life. While out best laid plans often don't pan out the way that we want them to, even those experiences can teach us a great deal about ourselves and what I've found over the last few years is that I actually learn more from the challenging times then I ever did from the times when things were working perfectly. As cliche as that may sound, as you start your day, give some thought to how you can use your own journey - and the daily components of it - to get the most out of your life.

What I'm certain you'll find is that when you truly spend time being a part of the journey of your life... your life will be made infinitely richer as a result. Make it a great Tuesday and never lose sight of the fact that in the end - it truly is the journey that that matters! ‪#‎WhateverItTakes‬ ‪#‎NoLetUp‬ ‪#‎EnjoytheJourney‬ ‪#‎Thriving‬ ‪#‎EverydayIsAnOpportunity‬

Monday, March 21, 2016

The road to success: Always "under construction"

The 'road to success'.  How much copy has been written about this topic over the years and more importantly - how often has there been pieces that didn't make any sense for you or your life right??!  When I ran across this quote this morning, it reminded me that the success is different for each person, but just as importantly - it's a process that is never-ending.  One of the truths in my life that I have discovered over time is the fact that the road to success is not only a long and winding one - but it really is 'under construction' all of the time.  Part of the reason this is true, is because my definition of success is constantly changing - a state of affairs that looks like it is going to be a permanent one.  Over time, I've moved from my life being a one-dimensional pursuit of economic success (when I'm financially wealthy I will....) to one that now understands that the financial aspect of life is only one small part of what makes your life a successful one.

As you start the new week, give some thought to your own 'road' in life.  Has your road fallen into disrepair?  Do you need to 'repave' certain areas or even divert traffic for a time to do some major work on a particular part of your road?  If there is anything that I've learned from the 'squiggle' that is my road in life, taking the time each week to reassess the conditions of the road and ensure that you are still on course for the kind of life you want (and frankly deserve) is a process that will pay major dividends over the course of your life.  Make today the day that you remember - that the road to success is ALWAYS under construction!  Enjoy your Monday and the new week! #GoalsMatter #MakeYourOwnRoad #LifeisaJourney #EmbracetheSquiggle #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #Thriving

Friday, March 18, 2016

Plunge in: Making sense of change

So - you see a theme developing here right??! While change is a part of all of our lives, there are times in our lives when those changes come fast and furiously and I'm about to enter one of those times over the course of the next few weeks (how's that for a 'teaser' - LOL). That said, when I ran across today's quote I was immediately grabbed by the sentiment about dealing with change, but also by the power of the message around how to live our lives.

As I've said before, I spent a number of years simply 'playing it safe' and frankly not giving myself over to the joy and excitement that life can provide when you simply give in to the flow of our experiences - good or challenging - and let them enrich our lives the way experience is meant to. As you start your Friday, give some thought to what changes are coming your way and think about the fact that oftentimes... the only way to make sense of what life brings our way is to plunge in...move with it... and join the dance! Make it a great Friday all! ‪#‎startuplife‬ ‪#‎ChangeIsInevitable‬ ‪#‎LivingtheBestICanDaily‬ ‪#‎NoLetUp‬ ‪#‎WhateverItTakes‬ ‪#‎OnwardandUpward‬ ‪#‎EmbraceLifesChange‬

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Enjoying change: Why 'enjoying the ride' is key

While we all know and acknowledge that change is a constant part of life, each of our reactions to it is oftentimes varied.   Depending on when the change occurs (when things are going well or when they are not going well) can oftentimes deeply impact how we choose to react to those changes.  When I ran across today's quote this morning I was struck by the term transform.  Often an overused (and I would argue many times improperly used) word, when it comes to how we think about and react to changes in our lives, this is the perfect term.

As a believer, I've come to terms with the fact that life is oftentimes not going to turn out the way that we want it to, and many times just seems downright unfair.  That is why transforming our thinking about change can be so important and frankly empowering.  How often have you been inspired by watching other people go through trials and tribulations and thought - How would I react in that situation?  The next time you're faced with a change in your life, give some thought to that concept.  How can the challenge/change that you are facing turn into something powerful for another person.  I know that once I started to think about the how others saw my approach to change (and how willing I've been to accept it as a part of life), dealing with this fact of life and just 'enjoying the ride'... became a lot simpler.

As you start your day, give some thought to how you accept and incorporate the inevitable changes of life into the tapestry of your own existence.  I'm certain that you'll discover - as I have repeatedly in recent years - you never know how your approach to change can help others overcome challenges that they are having... that you might not have even know existed.  Make it a great Thursday.... and 'enjoy the ride'! #NoLetUp #OnwardandUpward #WhateverItTakes #EmbracingChangeDaily #MorningInspo #LifeisfullofChanges

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Seize each day: Your daily opportunity to grow

One of the things that we are assured that we will see and experience in life is change.  Some of those changes will be good ones and some - well let's just call them challenges.  There is also an opportunity afforded to us with each new day and I for one spent a number of years letting those opportunities flow by one right after the other.

For a fair period of my life, there would be times when I simply got comfortable and I'm sad to say - just 'went through the motions' of each day and never really saw a new day for what it was - a chance to move yourself in the direction that you want your life to evolve.  I'm not saying that every day turns out the way that I want it too, but what I am glad to say is that I take each new day for what it is.... an opportunity to change and grow for the better.

As you start your Wednesday, give some thought to how you are approaching each new day.  Is it just another in a long line of 'new day, same stuff', or are you approaching the opportunity you've been given to grow and improve your life with the all of the excitement and focus that it deserves.  As today's quote tells us - the only time we won't have this opportunity is when we take our last breath - seize the opportunity today is giving you and make it a great day today! #startuplife #NoLetUp #WhateveritTakes #PushingMyselfDaily #OnwardandUpward #Thriving

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

No shortcuts: The true path to success

One of the most interesting things that I discovered in my life is that there really are no shortcuts in life... and where they appear to exist - I've come to the conclusion that just as today's quote indicates... they actually don't lead anywhere that you might want to go. One of the key factors in my life in recent years has been understanding that to get anywhere you truly want to go - you not only need a plan - you must be able to execute on that plan. There were any number of years where I spent time looking for the 'easy' way get where I wanted to go. How could I leap over the the 'grind' and make a jump into the full success that I wanted from my life. Over time however, I've discovered that the unintended impact of not taking any shortcuts is that those experiences benefit us as well. Life is meant to be lived 'out loud' and by not taking the shortcut, doing the hard work and most importantly - keeping focused on getting to a place worth going - your life will be all the richer for it! As your week gets underway in earnest, think about areas of your life where you might be taking (or are tempted to take) a shortcut.... and don't forget that avoiding the shortcut will actually take you to a place you want to go! Make it a great Tuesday! #startuplife #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #NoShortcuts #MakeYourLifeTheBestPossible

The key to success? Stop Whining!

One of the great discoveries I've made over time is that my natural hunger for learning (thanks Mom and Dad) has served me well as the career path that I've chosen requires me to constantly be in a learning mode. One of the benefits of being in that mode is that you are constantly exposed to people who can contribute to your life - one of those folks for me has been Grant Cardone (@GrantCardone on Twitter)

Less of a quote today then a call to arms, I was struck by this piece this morning as it points up an important fact of life that you eventually come to accept as you grow older- life isn't fair. There are going to be times in your life where things don't turn out the way that you want them to and the less time you spend crying about it - the sooner you can pick yourself back up and get on with it. As you start your Saturday, give some thought to these four simple steps - and get out there and make your life the best it can be!‪  
#‎NoLetUp‬ ‪#‎OnwardandUpward‬ ‪#‎NoWhining‬ ‪#‎WhateverItTakes‬‪#‎FindingInspoDaily‬ ‪#‎Thriving‬ ‪#‎CardoneFanBoy‬

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The biggest mistake you can make... never trying at all

Live is full of opportunities to take a chance and often the chances we take don't pan out the way that we want them to. When I ran across this quote today I was struck by how many times in my own life this has been true. I've experienced failures in the past (and life being what it is will likely see more in the future), but the truth remains that the richness of the life that I have today is a direct result of taking chances... and truly 'trying'.

As you start your Thursday, give some thought to areas of your life where 'trying' could make your life better and never forget - that the biggest mistake that you can make is never trying at all! Make it a great start to your Thursday all! ‪#‎startuplife‬ ‪#‎NoLetUp‬ ‪#‎WhateverItTakes‬ ‪#‎OnwardandUpward‬ ‪#‎TryingHardDaily‬ ‪#‎Thriving‬

Monday, March 7, 2016

Positive thinking: The key to seeing opportunity in every challenge

Keeping your thinking on a positive plane is something that is needed regardless of the field of endeavor that you choose.  There are any number of events in our lives that might require us to keep a positive outlook.  Career changes, businesses that succeed or fail, deaths in our families and the day to day struggles of life are all things that require us to think positively about what those events mean will mean for us in the future.

As you most of you reading this have experienced at some point in your lives, keeping a positive attitude and outlook are critically important at those times.  Today's quote sums up one of the most important aspects of dealing with challenging and difficult times.  If you have (and maintain daily) a positive outlook, difficulties cease to be sources of challenges and become what they should be over time - opportunities to make your life better!

Make it a great start to the week and make today the day where you find the opportunity in each and every difficulty - it's there... you just need to know  where to look! #startuplife #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #SeekingOpportunityDaily #PositiveAttitudeWinsEveryTime #Thriving

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The key to happiness? Make the best of what you have!

There are any number of motivational speakers/authors that are quick to tell you that if you don't have certain things, live in a certain house or drive a particular car - you haven't made it.  There were in fact a number of years where I actually believed that to be true.  What I've learned over time however is that some of the happiest people I know are those that on the surface shouldn't feel that way.  I wondered why that was the case until I started looking under the surface of their lives and began to understand the 'secret' of their success.

In our world, those with outward success (if we are being honest mainly focused on the financial) are held up as those who have 'made it'.  That said, today's quote points up a truth that I have found time and again over the course of the last decade.  There is an old saying that the best iron is forged at high temperatures, and for those that don't have the resources to get ahead in this world - those temperatures can be high indeed.  Does not having the best of everything make everyone better?  Absolutely not!  Just as those who have outsize resources can oftentimes be less than optimal people (yes - you can read this as one Donald Trump), so too can those at the other end of the spectrum devolve into anger at the world and in the worst cases bitterness about the 'unfairness' of it all.

As a believer, one of the things that I take to be true is that this world is NOT fair.  Great people fall ill and die, injustice is rampant, life appears to be unfair,hard work,effort and commitment sometimes don't bear the fruit you think it should, but I know that this world is a passing thing. What we can control is what we do while we are in it and what positive impacts we can have on those around us.  As you start your Wednesday, give some thought to what drives you and think about what for you is true happiness.  What I think you'll find is that in the end - if we make the best of what we DO have  - life is infinitely richer and more interesting than we ever thought possible.  Make it a great day today - and take a moment to truly make the best of what you have! #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #ThankfulForMyLife #Grateful #MakingtheBestLifePossible #Thriving

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Genuine interest: The true secret to happiness

For an extended period of my life, the main focus of my time, energy and efforts was solely economic.  Was I making more money than I did last year, was I seeing opportunities to grow that over time and was I able to do the things that I wanted to as a result. Over the course of the last 10 years however, I've expanded my horizons dramatically beyond those 'blinders' and today know that life is made up of much more than just the economic.  

As I've written about before, my life is now focused on a number of different areas - all of which have expanded the quality of my life and made me much less one dimensional.  While I try to do something or 'move the needle' in all of these areas each day (Family, Financial, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Career), it's not a perfect system and sometimes a couple of days will go by without any movement - but I try to make sure that I"m thinking about each of those areas every day.  

When I ran across this quote this morning I was struck by the word 'genuine' in terms of the interest we take in all areas of our lives.  If we take a real interest in all parts of our lives, they will all improve.  How do I know this?  When you expend time, energy and efforts against something you'll improve the results you are getting.  Will they always turn out the way that you want them to?  Nope.  Do you always win? No.  But you WILL get every day you put forth your best effort - you'll uncover the true secret to happiness - and find you are living a life well led!  Make it a great Tuesday all and watch this space in the coming days - interesting times them are a coming. #startuplife #LifeThrowsYouCurveBalls #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #LivingmyLifeTheBestWayIKnowHow #Thriving