Monday, March 21, 2016

The road to success: Always "under construction"

The 'road to success'.  How much copy has been written about this topic over the years and more importantly - how often has there been pieces that didn't make any sense for you or your life right??!  When I ran across this quote this morning, it reminded me that the success is different for each person, but just as importantly - it's a process that is never-ending.  One of the truths in my life that I have discovered over time is the fact that the road to success is not only a long and winding one - but it really is 'under construction' all of the time.  Part of the reason this is true, is because my definition of success is constantly changing - a state of affairs that looks like it is going to be a permanent one.  Over time, I've moved from my life being a one-dimensional pursuit of economic success (when I'm financially wealthy I will....) to one that now understands that the financial aspect of life is only one small part of what makes your life a successful one.

As you start the new week, give some thought to your own 'road' in life.  Has your road fallen into disrepair?  Do you need to 'repave' certain areas or even divert traffic for a time to do some major work on a particular part of your road?  If there is anything that I've learned from the 'squiggle' that is my road in life, taking the time each week to reassess the conditions of the road and ensure that you are still on course for the kind of life you want (and frankly deserve) is a process that will pay major dividends over the course of your life.  Make today the day that you remember - that the road to success is ALWAYS under construction!  Enjoy your Monday and the new week! #GoalsMatter #MakeYourOwnRoad #LifeisaJourney #EmbracetheSquiggle #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #Thriving

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