Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Seize each day: Your daily opportunity to grow

One of the things that we are assured that we will see and experience in life is change.  Some of those changes will be good ones and some - well let's just call them challenges.  There is also an opportunity afforded to us with each new day and I for one spent a number of years letting those opportunities flow by one right after the other.

For a fair period of my life, there would be times when I simply got comfortable and I'm sad to say - just 'went through the motions' of each day and never really saw a new day for what it was - a chance to move yourself in the direction that you want your life to evolve.  I'm not saying that every day turns out the way that I want it too, but what I am glad to say is that I take each new day for what it is.... an opportunity to change and grow for the better.

As you start your Wednesday, give some thought to how you are approaching each new day.  Is it just another in a long line of 'new day, same stuff', or are you approaching the opportunity you've been given to grow and improve your life with the all of the excitement and focus that it deserves.  As today's quote tells us - the only time we won't have this opportunity is when we take our last breath - seize the opportunity today is giving you and make it a great day today! #startuplife #NoLetUp #WhateveritTakes #PushingMyselfDaily #OnwardandUpward #Thriving

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