Saturday, January 30, 2016

Hustle beats talent... When talent doesn't hustle: A life lesson

So... how may times have you heard folks make the claim/excuse - "Well... I'm just not talented enough to do that"?!  If you've known me for a while, you unfortunately probably heard that from me at some point in the past - which frankly I'm not embarassed to admit.  The main reason I'm not, is because that sad fact of life is what made me the relentless and driven individual that I am today.  I've used this quote at some point over the past couple of years, but wanted to share it again this morning as it truly points up the leveling wind that exists in the world today.  

No longer are only those who have outsize talents able to create and enjoy a great life - it's available to each and every one of us... it just sits on the other side of what you get when you hustle.  I was never an athlete in high school (although I tried to argue that debate was not only a sport but a contact sport - LOL), but I know hustle when I see it.  He/she who puts in the effort day after day, never gives up and constantly shifts their efforts to find a better way forward all exemplify the power of making a plan, executing on that plan and just simply grinding it out every day will always pay off.  

As you enjoy the start to your weekend, give some thought to what hustle means in all areas of your life.  Are you falling short of what you want, but not giving some part of you life everything you have?!  You're not getting everything you want because you aren't innately talented, it's because you haven't found the right amount of hustle required to get it.   Believe me... I know.  Hustle truly can beat talent - my life is a case study of that each and every day!  Make it a great Saturday all - and don't let another day go by without committing yourself to truly giving your life all you can! #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #OnwardandUpward #startuplife #EmbracetheHustle #WorkingHardDaily #WeekendRecharge #RecommitDaily #Thriver4Life

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