Monday, January 2, 2012

A life worth living.... is a life worth recording

Ten years ago this week, I was in one of the most challenging periods of my life.  My marriage was coming to an end, I'd been laid off from my position with a private equity firm and was struggling to find my way in the world.  Several months (and I would add a great deal of heartburn, angst and soul searching later), I was laying awake one night trying to determine how I was going to get out of the rut I was in... and who should I see on TV?  None other than Tony Robbins. 

Over the course of 2002 - and in no small part due to the Tony Robbins program - my life began to turn around and today I find myself in a position where I have not only "arrived" (at least in the sense that my goals for "phase 1" are complete) but am now in a position to truly start to "pay forward" what I learned not only from Tony, but from a number of other mentors and inspirational figures over the course of the past decade.

This blog is the third that I have started in the last year:  JRB Tech Daily - and Eating with the Buckley's - and all are targeted at being true to something that Tony inspired me to do... document my life.... as my life IS worth living AND recording.

This blog will take that effort to another level as one of my goals for 2012 is to write and publish a book about what I've learned on this journey of life thus far... and truly "pay it forward" in terms of lessons that I think have made my life what it is today and hopefully can help to make other people's lives a little bit better as well.  As Zig Ziglar likes to say "You can get anything in life you want.... if you help enough people get what they want".  I look forward to working together with my readers... to do just that.

An additional feature of this blog will be to draw your attention to products, books and other content that has helped me achieve the terrific life that I've been fortunate enough to create.  Since the core of today's theme comes from Tony Robbins, I'll focus today on him.  The links below are NOT paid links... they just connect you to Tony's website (as well as Amazon) and give you a chance to view some content that made a huge difference in my life.  

If you're just "getting started" with Tony, I'd recommend that you purchase Awaken the Giant Within.  Although this book was written in 1992, the core of the concepts are just as sound today as they were when Tony first wrote them.  

If you're ready to "jump in" as you start 2012, I've also enclosed a link to Tony's Personal Power II program.  It's not cheap ($299) and it doesn't work if you don't "work the system", but believe me when I tell you that the ROI I've personally gotten from that small investment over the course of the past 10 years... is incalculable.

Tony Robbins:  Personal Power II

Tony Robbins:  Awaken the Giant Within

Hopefully, you'll be able glean something useful out of this blog and in the coming months will enjoy this next phase of my own personal journey as much as I know that I will..... and that you find some useful and helpful content here.

Photo credits:  Tony Robbins photo public profile  /  Tony Robbins products - 

1 comment:

  1. Jim - Looking forward to following your journey!
    Best to you in 2012.
