Monday, April 18, 2016

Living Life on Purpose - An homage to @SimonSinek

I've been a fan of Simon Sinek since I saw his TED Talk (Start with Why - Google it, you won't be sorry), and when I saw this quote of his earlier this morning I captured perfectly the new phase of my life that I'm entering.  As I mentioned over the weekend, I've made the decision to shut down my companies and go back to work full time for someone else, and while challenging and frustrating as that decision has been it was also liberating for me as I've had the chance to look back on what I learned over the last 2.5 years (which I'd tell you includes a fair amount of humility), and assess how best to move forward.

I've got several potential next steps in the works (thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers and support), but one thing that I know for certain is that while my life has never been lived 'by accident', the events of recent months have guided me to believe that 'living our lives on purpose' is the absolutely best way to live.  As you start your Monday morning and the new week, give some thought to your own life.  As you just giving lip service to your life or are you getting out there are truly taking action to ensure that you 'live your life on purpose'?!  Make today the best day you can - it's the only one like this we're ever going to get! #MovingForwardDaily #TheAdventureContinues #NoLetUp #OnwardandUpward #WhateverItTakes #LivingTheBestLifeICan

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