Thursday, February 11, 2016

Challenges vs. Obstacles: There IS a difference!

We all face challenges in our lives.  For an extended time in my life, it felt like it was a non-ending series of challenges that arose for me and served as major impediments to achieving the things that I wanted to with my life.

One of the keys to that process for me was not giving in to the debilitation that comes from facing a challenge that appears in our lives.  Another way to consider that is to not 'bow' to a challenge that we face in life.  Part of being out on my own has served to teach me the fact that at the end of the day, it all comes down to you and what you yourself put into your life.  Are there times when I question a particular path or approach that I'm taking?  You bet.  Am I afraid sometimes?  Absolutely!  Are there times when I seriously question whether I could have selected an easier road in life?  Certainly!  But one thing has remained constant in all areas of my life in recent years - and that is the fact that I simply refuse to bow to the challenges of life.

Regardless of what comes my way on any given day, I know that not only have I got this, but by not allowing a challenge to become an obstacle... there is truly nothing that can stop you from reaching the kind of life you've always wanted!  Are you facing a challenge today that feels or seem insurmountable?  Take a moment to step back and remember - there is nothing like overcoming a challenge that you've faced head on - and didn't allow to become an obstacle to the life you want and deserve!  Make it a great start to your Thursday - get out there and make it happen! #NoLetUp #WhateverItTakes #OnwardandUpward #startuplife #CrushingchallengesDaily #LivingmyDream #JustTrytoStopMe